Heterosis and Combining Ability in Medium Maturity Yellow Seeded Maize

Heterosis and Combining Ability in Medium Maturity Yellow Seeded Maize

Diallel Analysis

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2017-04-27 )

€ 49,90

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This book will helpful to academics, Students and researchers to understand gene action and concept of heterosis. Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of most important cereal crop of the world and contributes to food security in most of the developing countries. As such we can adopt the option of developing single cross hybrids to achieve quantum jump in production and productivity of maize. The exploitation of single cross hybrids requires the development of vigorous and productive inbred lines. Gene action and combining ability analysis is one of the most powerful tool in identifying the best combiners that may be used in crosses either to exploit heterosis or to accumulate productive genes. Heterosis is the one of the greatest practical contribution of genetics and it has most significant expression in maize crop. In view of the above facts and in order to develop productive and industrially important maize hybrids, the present investigation was undertaken by using Diallel mating design to drive information on the various genetic parameters.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Meenakshi Dhoot
R. B. Dubey
Rupal Dhoot

Number of pages:


Published on:



Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishery, nutrition