Competition and Employment in Telecommunications Industry in Tanzania

Competition and Employment in Telecommunications Industry in Tanzania

How Competition affects Employment in the Industry

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2012-05-03 )

€ 49,00

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In the past few years, the use of telecommunications services has shown an increasing trend and the number of companies investing in this industry has also increased in Tanzania because of liberalization policies in the 1990s. This has led to an increase in competition in this industry and we expect an increase in the level of employment if the industry in competitive. This work seeks to answer the question: "Does increase in competition translate into increase in employment in telecommunications industry in Tanzania?". Only a few individuals have ventured in this subject of telecommunications industry but no one has written anything on the effect of competition in this industry in Tanzania on the labor market (specifically net employment effect). Therefore, this book provides the findings on whether competition has a not positive effect on employment in the telecommunications industry in this country. The use of panel data over seventeen years and controlling for fixed effects in the model provide reliable results. The analysis should be able to shed light on this subject and useful to professionals in Telecommunications Industry and the Government of Tanzania in policy making.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Achilana Mtingele

Number of pages:


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