Factors Affecting NYEWASCO in Provision of Water and Sewarage Services

Factors Affecting NYEWASCO in Provision of Water and Sewarage Services

The study aimed on the influence on performance of management practices,motivation,supply infrastructure and finances

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2012-11-17 )

€ 49,00

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Access to portable drinking water has long been recognized as of the challenges of development. More than 1.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water and more than 2.6 billion lack adequate sanitation. International community has tried to tackle this problem through various policies in the water and sewerage services sector. In Kenya the government has been implementing water reforms since 2002. The reforms are intended to address problems affecting the water sector. The reforms do not seem to bear fruit to many water service providers.Despite the failures of most providers NYEWASCO has succeeded in Nyeri County. The objectives of the study was based on the influence of management practices, employee’s motivation, water supply infrastructure and financial base on performance of NYEWASCO in provision of water and sewerage services.The findings of this study showed that Performance of NYEWASCO in provision of water and sewerage services is efficient with only a few complaints,there was very positive relationship between the good performance and good management practices, high levels of employees’ motivation, good water supply infrastructure and strong financial base.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Fredrick Ngotho

Number of pages:


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