Role Of E-Reference Services In Teaching And Learning Process

Role Of E-Reference Services In Teaching And Learning Process

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2012-12-19 )

€ 49,00

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This book sought to examine the role of Electronic reference services in facilitating effective teaching and learning process: The author present what was done at Open University of Tanzania Headquarter Dar es Salaam Tanzania as a case study. Written in a user-friendly style where new ideas are always motivated before being fully introduced, the book will help readers to gain confidence and skills in using computer for seaching e-reference services It was observed from the field that access to the electronic reference services by librery users was unsatisfactory. This was mainly due to the inadequacy of computers with electronic reference services facilities, as well as lack of electronic reference services use skills. The author also revealed that those who used the electronic reference services did not use it effectively to enhance their learning. This was mainly due to insufficient skills in electronic reference services use and low network connection. The author also highlighted the problems encountered by the library users in electronic reference services use, and various recommendations to those problem.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Ivan Mmari
Anna Mlengu

Number of pages:


Published on:



Education system