The Philosophy of Human Rights and Good Governance in Africa

The Philosophy of Human Rights and Good Governance in Africa

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2013-03-25 )

€ 79,90

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Africa is part of the twentieth century world whereby independence, human rights, good governance,the rule of law, justice, democracy and like terms constitute the international relations currency. Africa has reached the present world stage from European and Western colonial rule. Thus the transition from colonization to decolonization was the route that Africa took to the international world membership state. Among the international member states, Africa happens to be lacking behind in its conduct of international currency. The question arises as to why Africa records of human rights, good governance, democracy and economic independence (to mention but a few) lack behind the rest of the world. While considering Africans to be equal members of the human race, the answer to this problems is directed to the Africans themselves. The answer to this problem is sought for in the transition from colonization to decolonization: what happened from colonization to decolonization of Africa that contributed to the present post-colonial rule condition in Africa? The answer to this lies in the injustices of the transition from colonization to decolonization of Africa.

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By (author) :

Thomas Letsepe

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