Tabloid and Tabloidization in Morocco

Tabloid and Tabloidization in Morocco

A Real Danger that Threaten our Media

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2013-12-12 )

€ 54,90

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“I think journalism anywhere should be based on social justice and impartiality, making contributions to society as well as taking responsibility in society. Whether you are capitalist or socialist or Marxist, journalists should have the same professional integrity. --Tan Hongkai” ― Judy Polumbaum, China Ink: The Changing Face of Chinese Journalism. This is absolutely true,journalism or the fourth estate is a noble job that is based on gathering news and representing them to citizens with extreme neutrality and accuracy. In the world of press, there are a set of criteria or news factors which journalists rely on in order to decide what issues are credible or newsworthy ; those news factors determine which stories will be covered and which ones are not. In other words, journalists choose and select news stories and events according to news factors which are considered as qualities and principles that journalists must take into account during the selection of events so as to achieve a certain level of credibility, but once reporters and media workers in general go beyond these journalistic values, they might fall in the trap of tabloid journalism the same like « AlAhdath Al Maghrebia

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Rania Mjahad

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