Serum Levels of Calcium And Phosphorus In Breast Cancer Patients

Serum Levels of Calcium And Phosphorus In Breast Cancer Patients

Clinical Analysis

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2016-12-05 )

€ 35,90

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Breast cancer is a type of cancer which is developed by the formation of a tumor on the breast. This tumor invades and causes different electrolyte imbalance. Study in this book was designed to measure the serum calcium and phosphorous levels and to check the frequency of hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia in breast cancer patients. Serum calcium and phosphorous levels of breast cancer women of 18-70 years of age group and fifty healthy women of same age group were measured. 458,503 deaths worldwide took place due to breast cancer in 2008 which is about 13.7% of cancer deaths in females. As the disease progresses it leads to hyperthyroidism and further develops renal failure in these patients. This book will be helpful for the clinicians to maintain serum calcium and phosphorous levels in these patients and also preventing them from further complications. This book will also be helpful while designing chemotherapy for these patients as it will aware them about the chances of side effects like renal failure, fatigueness, stiffening of muscles and many other secondary complications in these patients.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Safa Safdar

Number of pages:


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Biochemistry, biophysics