Orders and Systems in Context

Orders and Systems in Context

Studies in Contemporary International Relations and Global Politics

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2016-04-20 )

€ 45,90

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Orders and Systems in Context, aims to establish the linkages, continuity and relations between ranges of orders and constituent systems the human polity has seen since ancient time to the present. While casting light on the political and economic malaises that have recently affected society globally, it predicts prospects for the future. Principally, it scrutinizes ranges of complex issues, including the declining nation-state based international politics and the emergent global political and economic order with underpinning strong regions. It reflects, why the emergent order and its constituent systems cry out for solutions over the planet as it treks deeper towards the 21st century. By placing the concern for transformation and development at a center point, this publication contributes to the public debate on issues that have direct bearing on the ordinary man. Its diligent chapters cover a broader range of advanced socio-political matters helpful to comprehend orders, systems, power and the normative dynamics, including their regional and global context. Its aspiration to revitalize the entire human polity makes this volume timely, critical and relevant.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Getnet Tamene

Number of pages:


Published on:



Comparative and international political science