Project Management in the Construction of Oil and Gas Facilities

Project Management in the Construction of Oil and Gas Facilities

A Case Study of Agbami & Akpo FPSO

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2016-09-20 )

€ 49,90

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The inclination towards marginal, fast-track deepwater field development for the production and exploration of oil and gas have lead to the recent rise in the construction of Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels by oil giants in the oil and gas industry. The advantages of FPSO have significantly increased the procurement of it by big players in the oil and gas sector. Mega projects like this are difficult to manage during the development life-cycle without encountering different forms of construction hitches. For this reason, it has become necessary to evaluate the challenges encountered during the development and construction of such facility which is the driver behind this work and also proffering solutions for overcoming these potential issues that could disrupt the project. Previous researches showed that poor coordination, communication and lack of adequate interface management has continually affected the performance of project of this magnitude. In other to identify the challenges that are synonymous with project of this magnitude, case studies were carried out on Agbami FPSO operated by Chevron Nigeria and Akpo FPSO operated by Total Upstream Nigeria.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Nicholas Adhekoyibo

Number of pages:


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