Press and Development in Nigeria

Press and Development in Nigeria

Concepts, Theories and Practice

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2012-01-18 )

€ 59,00

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The poor status of Nigeria in terms of development has been a source of concern to many. Since independence in spite of its abundant resources Nigeria is yet to be developed. This propelled the conduct of an empirical study, which resulted in this book, Press and Development in Nigeria: concepts, theories and practice. The study examines the role of the press in rural development following that the press do set agenda for public discourse and that press coverage may direct focus on areas or issues needing urgent attention. Specifically, the book is on newspaper coverage of development and non-development matters with a view to knowing whether indigenous language newspapers do better than English language press in that direction as the indigenous language press is expected to be closer to the people than the English language press. The book also chronicled past development efforts and studies on press and development in Nigeria and the theoretical paths and explanations to attaining development and press coverage of development and other people centred issues respectively.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Ibrahim Jimoh

Number of pages:


Published on:



Media, communication