Revolution in Time and Timing in Ancient Egypt

Revolution in Time and Timing in Ancient Egypt

The Old Concepts and Contemporary Developments and the Cognitive Perspective of Time Synonyms and Timing Synchronization

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2019-04-02 )

€ 93,90

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This book presents outlines of Revolution in Time and Timing in ancient Egypt. A Comparative Study between Old Concepts and Contemporary Developments. This book is on the same lines and methodology of lexicons related to the ancient Egyptian language; it is an alphabetical lexicon, or a synthesis between the ancient Egyptian language and English as well as German. There are written forms refer to the conventional expressions of ancient Egyptian language, transliteration and translations in English as well as German in order to obtain a comprehensive scientific work deals with different foreign languages from ancient times to present times. This themes deal with natural or physical sciences, where time can be classified as linked to certain categories of science such as 'Time in History of Science', 'Time in Ancient Egyptian Philosophy and Beliefs', 'Time and Science in Society', 'Time in Science and Culture', 'Time and Philosophy of Science', 'Time in Astronomy', and 'Time in Physics'. This work was exhausting and difficult because of dealing with various branches of science, both old and present.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Ayman Waziry

Number of pages:


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