Microbiological Assessment and Safety of Street Foods in North India

Microbiological Assessment and Safety of Street Foods in North India

Microbiological quality and safety of street food

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2018-11-25 )

€ 54,90

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Street food industry plays vital role especially in developing countries by feeding millions of people. Street foods include ready to eat food and beverages, which are easily accessible and available at great convenience, giving them huge market potential. In recent years, the informal sector of street food vending has grown in competition with the formal sector. The safety and hygiene of street foods has become global concern. Various instances of pathogenic contamination and food borne epidemics have been reported. The use of additives in excess limits like benzoate and artificial colors, contaminants in raw materials, process contaminants, handling and trading practices ascertain to the huge safety risk. Lack of education, knowledge in food safety and control, poor sanitary practices, high ambient temperatures are some of the factors facilitating microbial contamination. The present research focuses on economy of street foods, hygiene practices followed by street vendors and microbial contamination in North India and ascertaining potential risk factors.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Monika Thakur
Mehak Aakriti
Dolly Verma

Number of pages:


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