Skeletal Development Of Hand And Wrist Bones In Indian Children

Skeletal Development Of Hand And Wrist Bones In Indian Children

Applicability Of Greulich And Pyle Standards To Indian Indian Children For Determination Of Skeletal Age

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2019-09-02 )

€ 54,90

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This book was designed based on research to determine bone ages (skeletal ages) of Indian children in Maharashtra. The comparison of the bone ages with the chronological ages was done with study of sexual dimorphism. Applicability of the Greulich and Pyle standards to the Indian children was also considered. Study was performed in total 375 children having ages from 1 day to 18 years. All the subjects were divided into 19 chronological age groups according to their age and sex. For determining the Bone Age (skeletal age) wrist and hand radio-graphs with AP view were taken and compared with the images of Greulich and Pyle Atlas according to sex. The observation have been tabulated and analyzed. Male children skeletally lag behind the American standard in all age groups. Female children also lag behind the American standard in all age groups except 12-13 year age group in which in which they are accelerated by 0.22 year. In males the skeletal growth is maximally affected in late childhood while in case of females it is affected in middle childhood.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Sumit T. Patil

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