Nano-therapy in nano-medicine as a drug carrier in treatment of chronic disease and cancer

Nano-therapy in nano-medicine as a drug carrier in treatment of chronic disease and cancer

Recombinant Drug Therapy

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2022-08-15 )

€ 43,90

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A drug carrier is any substance used in the process of drug delivery which avail to improve the eclecticivity, effectiveness and benignity of drug administration. Drug carriers are mostly used to control the release of a drug into systemic popularity. This can be carried out either by slow release of the drug over a long period of time in most cases diffusion or by triggered release at the drug's object by some stimulus such as changes in pH, application of heat and activation by light. Drug carriers are also exercised to improve the pharmacokinetic estate, specifically the bioavailability of numerous drugs with poor water solubility and membrane permeability. A wide diversity of drug carrier systems have been sophisticated and studied, each of which has unparalleled advantages and disadvantages. Some of the more popular types of drug carriers implicate liposomes, polymeric micelles, microspheres and nanoparticles various methods of attaching the drug to the carrier have been performed including adsorption, integration into the bulk structure, encapsulation, and covalent bonding.

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By (author) :

Nebras Rada Mohammed

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