Education is the backbone of development in all walks of life and the importance multiplies in the case of developing countries. This has been the main focus in the present endeavour that is aimed at elaborating the role of integrated universal primary and adult education in developing rural areas in Punjab, Pakistan. It has been envisaged that due to unavailability of any integration mechanism regarding the efforts made in the sectors of universal primary and adult education the efforts made so far seem to be lesser effective, so this point is highlighted in this book. An overview of how such integration can be brought into the scene is given. Certain recommendations have been incorporated for such replication as well.General objective of the study is to devise a mechanism of integrated universal primary and adult education for rural areas in Punjab, Pakistan. The author tried a lot to get data for the Ferozwala area, but due to unknown reasons the authorities did not provide the same; I have, therefore, tried to do with the broader scale data available. While enrolment rates at the universal primary education are found to be very low and that of adult education yet lower.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Muhammad Haroon Siddique

Number of pages:


Published on:



Education, Occupation, Career