Life and death in human beings, transition to other dimensions

Life and death in human beings, transition to other dimensions

Life and Death in humans, existence of other dimensions that could enter Homo sapiens

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2022-07-14 )

€ 79,90

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Life and death in human beings. The birth of the universe and a baby are perfect creations. Life has existed on earth for 3.5 billion years ago (Gya), begins when the chemical matter self-reproduced. The Last Universal Common Ancestor existed 4 (Gya), has 355 genes common to all life. The micro-organisms lived, after the 4.4 Gya formations of oceans. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are a store of CO2 in Earth's primordial sea. Life requires a loss of entropy, when molecules organize into living matter; energy is in eukaryotes’ mitochondria in adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Early Earth had self-replicating RNA but no DNA or proteins. At 21st century over 150,000 humans die each day, by ageing. In Buddhist death is to attain enlightenment. Christianity believes in afterlife from mortality to immortality in the realm of spirits. Hindus, described death as the individual eternal soul exiting the body. Death in Islam is the beginning of afterlife, views suicide as the greatest sins since life and death are given by God, forbids cremation. In Judaism life is over death. Humans believe in a supernatural being in control of the universe, and individual lives.

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By (author) :

Jose O'Daly

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