Autonomy between Teachers’ Attitudes and Learners’ Aptitudes

Autonomy between Teachers’ Attitudes and Learners’ Aptitudes

Case of Master 2 University Students at the Department of English

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2024-06-25 )

€ 96,90

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As a member of the teaching community, one feels like carrying out this educational action research to tackle issues about the field of his interest. As a theoretical background to back up this study, the current research is deep-rooted to the constructivist learning theory. Thus, the major purpose of this investigation is identifying the main constraints behind the difficult association of theory and practice to integrate learners’ autonomous schemata in the learning process. It also explores teachers' attitudes towards this phenomenon. Learners' aptitude to monitor their learning process is also dealt with in this journey. To do so, this educational reflection appeals for the use of a descriptive analytic method with reference to the following research tools: Two questionnaires; the first one is delivered to teachers at Hassiba Benbouali university of chief. The second questionnaire is handed to Master 2 students at the department of English. Then, an interview is conducted with the Vice Dean of Pedagogy at the faculty of Letters and Foreign Languages. The Head of the Department of English is also interviewed as a relevant participant in shaping the teaching/learning process.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Djilali Belaidouni

Number of pages:


Published on:



Language and literature science