Single Criterion Structural Similarity

Single Criterion Structural Similarity

for Spatial Data Retrieval

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-06-26 )

€ 79,00

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Structural spatial query is known as structural spatial query similarity or configuration similarity retrieval. This research developed a single criterion spatial data retrieval model for spatial databases. The model represents the unique relations among query objects in a structural spatial query like neighborhood relation, relative distance and direction and object geometry. The model has also eliminated the conventional multi criteria used in structural similarity assessment and replaced it with single criterion. It has also improved way of associating objects in a query. In short, the model was proven to be more effective than existing models in three main areas that are single similarity measure, improved reduced object association, and object approximation free. This research has been successful in proving the model as a feasible and practical model for structural spatial query and retrieval of spatial information from spatial databases. Furthermore the model produced better results in overall situations. The model and its prototype have laid a platform for future researches in the structural spatial similarity.

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By (author) :

Bee Theng Lau

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