Learning to Love Your Children: The Value of Parenting Education

Learning to Love Your Children: The Value of Parenting Education

The Value of Parenting Education and the Attachment Experience; a qualitative study of its effect on the social system and single,low-income mothers.

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-05-21 )

€ 59,00

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Dr. Orwasher explores the impact of Parenting Education on families and maternal attachment in this study of single, low-income mothers. She chronicles the stories of 16 single, low income mothers in their quest for empowerment and change. Their profiles are documented and coded in a detailed qualitative study that attempts to understand the underlying motivations of mothers who strive to love their children, defy their history and seek change. This heart wrenching study documents their journey by first identifying the deficits,outlines specific skills learned. It documents parenting interventions that successfully develop empathy, a critical driver in the mother’s attachment to her child. It is the relationship between the access to learning these critical skills that Dr. Orwasher brings to the forefront and should be useful to anyone exploring the value of skilled Parenting Education classes and the social system.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Gilda Stern Orwasher

Number of pages:


Published on:



Social pedagogy, social work