Themed Wedding Packages

Themed Wedding Packages

Factors Influencing the Demand for Themed Wedding Packages

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-12-31 )

€ 59,00

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This book explores the factors that are likely to influence the demand for themed wedding packages. The research focuses on the Auckland market, specifically on the factors affecting the buying motivation of New Zealanders for themed weddings. Globalization today has brought about the extension of trends in most developed countries: one of these is the themed wedding. Trends in themed weddings are being exported globally. There is an endless market opportunity for themed weddings in New Zealand just as there is in other developed countries like the U.S and the U.K. The New Zealand market is making use of ideas for wedding themes from overseas markets. There is a need to keep abreast the trends for themed packages and related services in order to be successful in New Zealand wedding market. Qualitative methodology has been used as the primary data collection. 13 semi-structured interviews with wedding planners were tape-recorded and transcribed, and analyzed by thematic content analysis. This research concludes that wedding planners are gifted to create market in Auckland or perhaps nationwide for themed wedding packages.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Sivemalar Krishnan

Number of pages:


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