Minority Male Student Retention

Minority Male Student Retention

What Works and What Does Not!

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-02-09 )

€ 49,00

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The purpose of this book is to examine the expectations of African American and Hispanic male students in a for-profit university (TTU). This case study specifically explores student perception of the retention efforts of faculty, staff, policies, procedures and services within the institutional environment. It further examined how these experiences promoted or impeded the African American or Hispanic male''s persistence to graduation. The higher education institution is identified as TTU throughout this book. It is a commuter university established in the early 1900s. A qualitative case study approach was used and two campus sites were selected. Data collection included interviews of students, along with faculty (identified by students), as well as document analysis, and various on site observations at each campus. The data were then transcribed, coded, and analyzed to ascertain the overall views and perceptions of the students. The final chapter provides recommendations for retention efforts for minority male students and may be useful for most colleges and universities.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Carole Comarcho

Number of pages:


Published on:



Education system