Sediment Transport Modeling (STM) and Flood Risk Mapping in GIS

Sediment Transport Modeling (STM) and Flood Risk Mapping in GIS

Worked Example

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-02-20 )

€ 79,00

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Most computer models used in the flood risk analysis of rivers have inadequate functions in its spatial analytical capabilities and without sediment transport simulation capacity or suitable equations to represents correctly in-situ hydraulic processes. As a result, this book presents the well defined methods on sediment transport modeling using GIS. Step by step guide given for developing a new total bed material load equation and embedding the equation in the SEDFlood model. The tight coupling procedures which gives a user friendly, menu-driven GUI for ArcView GIS and SEDFlood integration and enables two and three-dimensional (2D & 3D) digital floodplain delineation was developed and demonstrated based on worked examples. The importance of hydraulic field measurements and the techniques for hydraulic results validation were shown. It is evident that GIS can be uitlised successfully for floodplain analysis and its integration with hydraulic model is not only feasible but also mutually beneficial for both GIS users and hydraulic modelers. This book is best utilised by hydrological and hydraulic modelers and GIS specialist who worked on floodrisk analysis

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By (author) :

Shanker Kumar Sinnakaudan

Number of pages:


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Building and environmental technology