Death Bonds

Death Bonds

Theoretical concept, history and application

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-05-19 )

€ 49,00

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The publication describes one of the newest features in the world of finance – the so called „Death Bonds“. These bonds represent new specific type of ABS bonds (asset-backed securities) that are backed by the life insurance policies bought from their previous owners by the institutional investors. At first the work introduces the reader to the Death Bonds´ history and theoretical background along with general ABS and life insurance policy characteristics. Basic principles of investing into these bonds are shown on simple examples of individual investments. The publication offers a big scale of varieties of the bond construction and analyzes the best choices. Specific process of the Death bonds´ issue is further described as well. The conclusion reveals the possibilities of Death bonds´ issue in the EU. Death Bonds are considered to be one of the safest investments in these volatile times. Their biggest advantage is the simple fact that they are not correlated with any other financial instruments and they provide steady returns with minimal risks. And this book is supposed to be the essential guide for anyone seeking additional information about them.

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By (author) :

Tomas Parizek

Number of pages:


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