Pervious Concrete Pavement: Performance in Cold Climates

Pervious Concrete Pavement: Performance in Cold Climates

Fundamental Issues in Data Collection, Condition Index and Performance Model Development

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-06-04 )

€ 79,00

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Pervious Concrete Pavement: Performance in Cold Climates provides an integrated approach to pavement performance modeling through the integration of field investigations, panel rating, and conducting a survey. This book fits well into the scope of “Pavement Management” and can assist pavement engineers and managers in development of a pavement management system for pervious concrete pavement. The main interest of this book is to provide an elegant methodology to collect data, develop a novel condition index, and produce performance models for a new type of pavement. The contents of this book can be applied as a guide by researchers to investigate the characteristics and performance of new designed pavements which have not been extensively studied. More importantly, this book can serve as a complement textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students as well as an invaluable learning source for pavement engineer professionals in the field of pavement design, monitoring, evaluation, maintenance, and management.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Amir Golroo

Number of pages:


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Mechanical engineering, manufacturing technology

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