Solid Waste Managment

Solid Waste Managment

Techno-economic assessment of municipal solid waste management in the occupied Palestinian territories

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-06-15 )

€ 59,00

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Solid Waste in Developing Countries Integrated solid waste management needs a strong legislative framework as well as reinforcement measures besides professional institutions for being implemented. In the study area (Ramallah and Jericho cities), no cleaner production methods are applied for waste reduction, no recycling and reuse alternatives, no composting plants exist. This thesis assesses the technical and economic status of existing system. It is found that the solid waste management in the study area is not self sustaining since the overall all cost recovery from actual expenditures is 67% and 15% for Jericho and Ramallah respectively, suffering from lack of coordination, primary collection methodology is different, in Jericho it is the curb side collection, while in Ramallah it is community bin collection, only 12 % and 2% of respondents in Jericho and Ramallah respectively had received environmental education. It is recommended to revise the cost tariff system for solid waste as well as the collection methodology and finally continuous physical and chemical characteristics of waste profile should be dynamically conducted.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Ammar J. Al Khateeb
Issam A. Al-Khatib

Number of pages:


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Building and environmental technology

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