Multicast for IPTV services

Multicast for IPTV services

Analysis of Application and Network layer Multicast for IPTV services

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 25.06.2010 )

€ 49,00

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Internet Protocol Television (IPTV)is a service on the Internet where digital TV signal data is delivered to the participants using the Internet Protocol. IPTV promises to provide many TV channels with lower price for operators and consumers.IPTV distribute program more efficiently than nowadays prevalent coaxial cable distribution. But plenty of TV channels requires large bandwidth for high clear TV programs in IPTV service which is a contradictory issue to the limitation of user access line bandwidth and aggregation network bandwidth.Multicast as a mature one-to-many packet data delivery technology, the use of multicast for IPTV service is considered necessary to resolve such contradiction. But which multicast or what level multicast will be best suited for this emerging technology is still a burning question. In this book we have identify the appropriate multicast solution for IPTV.To accomplish our goal we have analysed different AL multicast and IP multicast protocols. We have tried to find out different problems related to these protocols to deployment.

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Mohammad Taufiqul Islam
Azimul Hoque

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