Management and the Adoption of New Technologies in Retail Banking

Management and the Adoption of New Technologies in Retail Banking

Adoption of Online Banking in Commercial banks

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 19.06.2010 )

€ 49,00

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In recent years the banking industry has undergone a huge transformation.These transformations can be attributed to the emergence of new financial technologies. Among these new technologies, online banking can be identified as one of the main innovations playing a central role in the transformation of the banking landscape. However, though new technologies have proven to be a profitable solution for most banks in their operations, the challenges of adopting new technologies have never been more challenging. This book presents a systematic approach and a model on the adoption of new technologies with examples drawn from the banking sector. The focus is from a managerial and strategy perspective in identifying the factors that are required to prompt the adoption and successful management of a new technology. This book will be particularly resourceful to professionals, entrepreneurs, academics, researchers, decision makers and student in the business field. The book is easy to understand, straightforward and includes a case study with testimonies from top management executives from one of the poineer banks to adopt online banking.

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Agbor Tabi

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