Acculturation Among Arabic Children And Their Families In The U.S.A

Acculturation Among Arabic Children And Their Families In The U.S.A

Acculturation Among Arabic Children And Their Families In The United States: Some Educational Considerations

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 20.06.2010 )

€ 59,00

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This qualitative study of the Arabic language and culture took place in four states: New Mexico, Texas, Utah, and New York. The acculturation theory for this qualitative study of Arab Americans is the single–continuum model of acculturation, and it is described as the changing of an ethnic traditional cultural trait for Anglo cultural traits. The exchange of cultural traits results in the individual becoming more Anglo in culture and is represented as a point on a continuum ranging from being unacculturated, bicultural, to acculturated. I aimed to investigate and offer insight into the growing Arabic community by investigating the acculturation processes of Arabic students in the United States Public School System. Twenty-five Arabic families participated in this qualitative study, and the research occurred in many home and public school settings within four different U.S. states: Pecan Valley, New Mexico; Hot City, Texas; Intermountain City, Utah; and Green City, New York. In order to study the Arabic communities in these states, I used the CIPP (Contextual, Input, Process, and Product) model, an evaluation method used to appraise projects.

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Dr. Kholoud Al-Qubbaj

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