The Impact of the RDF on Accessibility of Medicines

The Impact of the RDF on Accessibility of Medicines

Experience of Khartoum State - Sudan

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-06-29 )

€ 79,00

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The frequent shortages of medicines in public health care facilities obliged those who could afford it to go to the private sector. This situation was disadvantageous to the poor, because they did not have protected access to free services at public health facilities. The situation also led to the overburdening of service provision at the referral hospitals thus increasing their cost. In addition, poor health services could increase morbidity and mortality from preventable diseases, especially among the vulnerable members of the community (for example, women, children and the elderly) in both urban and rural communities. Moreover, the shift from low level primary facilities to referral hospitals increased the cost of health service provision. This book demonstrates how security for the endangered structure of RDF can be established and presents reasons for its success, and its achievements and pitfalls. The medicines’ quality measures applied by the largest Revolving Drug Fund of its kind in the world will also add to the existent Cost-Sharing literature.

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By (author) :

Gamal Khalafalla Mohamed

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