An Exegesis on traditional techniques of Venetian glass makers

An Exegesis on traditional techniques of Venetian glass makers

their reinterpretation into contemporary design

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-10-26 )

€ 49,00

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As I was finishing this work I enthusiastically envisioned a bright & inspiring career within the burgeoning glass scene that had developed in Australia over the last 20 years. 6 years have now passed since I successfully completed my MFA. In that time, I have traveled extensively, participating in a variety of glass workshops, residencies & conferences, working with, and for, numerous glass artist''s throughout many of the schools and studios around the world. During all of this, my interest in glass has never waned, I have been lucky in that it has been a medium that continues to seduce. It has afforded me with many amazing experiences, introduced me to the mother of my son and has culminated in the formation of many close professional relationships within the glass community. Presently employed in the Glass Department at Sydney College of the Arts I am able to absorb the energy and encourage the enthusiasm exhibited by the next generation of glass practitioners. When time permits I continue to work on my own practice, exploring elements that I first investigated in this paper and which have continued to evolve and interest me over the years since.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Marcus Dillon

Number of pages:


Published on:



Interior decoration, Design