Determination of the accuracy of Residual Stress measurement methods

Determination of the accuracy of Residual Stress measurement methods

Hole Drilling, Ultrasonic (Debro-30) System and Digital Shearography

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-12-20 )

€ 59,00

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This book appeals to an audience in the engineering field specifically Mechanical Engineering. Professional design engineers will find this work useful in the estimation of the magnitudes of residual stresses in components and correctly account for them when determining factors of safety. Destructive and non-destructive technicians will find it helpful in the condition monitoring of plant and equipment while a basis for researchers is laid to pursue further work.The book focuses on the measurements of displacements, time of flight/ultrasonic velocity and strains in steel specimens which subsequently prompts the calculation of stresses. The following methods are covered; Hole Drilling, Ultrasonic (Debro-30) System and Digital Shearography. Emphasis is laid on the experimental procedures and the analysis of the results thereof. A novel technique of quantifying residual stresses using shearograms obtained from Digital Shearography experimental data is proposed. This however warrants further investigations that require independent verification stress measurement methods.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Tendai Chipanga

Number of pages:


Published on:



Mechanical engineering, manufacturing technology