Management in a Culturally Diverse Environment

Management in a Culturally Diverse Environment

Czech and Slovak Cultures in International Comparison

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-12-17 )

€ 68,00

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The global economy is ever more interconnected. Cultural diversity of employees is becoming an important competitive advantage for companies. This publication provides conclusions from research into Czech and Slovak national cultures and their implications for people management. It brings the first comprehensive and valid analysis of the cultural specifics of the Czech and Slovak management environment compatible with international standards, and analysis of changes in Czech culture over the period of the past 20 years. The research is based on the methodology of Fons Trompenaars. Both cultures were assessed with a view to another approx. 50 monitored countries from all over the world. The conclusions are compared with works of G.Hofstede & I.Novy. The book provides a wide range of practical recommendations for management of Czechs and Slovaks, including uncovering critical areas for potential conflicts between these two cultures. It is suitable for managers, HR specialists, trainers, coaches and students of international management. The conclusions can help on creation of multicultural teams at work to support flexibility, creativity, innovation and organizational learning.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Zuzana Kreckova

Number of pages:


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