Autobiographical Memoir

Autobiographical Memoir

As a Counter-dialogue to Misrepresentation of Disabled Body

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2011-07-13 )

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A study on “Autobiographical Memoir as a Counter-dialogue to Misrepresentation of Disabled Body” was carried by review of different writers’ books, journals and articles. For this study, four essays namely “Carnal Acts”, “Living with an Unstable Body”, “Bells and The Unification of Stephen Hawking” written by Nancy Mairs, Barbara Rosenblum, Ved Mehta and Mark O’Brien respectively were selected. “Autobiographical memoir written by writers with disability helps the writer to privilege their self and to acquire an agency was the hypothesis of this study. Writers in memoir come to the experience of writing with a desire to make them heard and use the ‘written’ voice to formulate the expressions of identity that will complicate and disrupt stereotype about disabled self. The expressive and assertive voice developed throughout the memoir writing claims a certain kind of authenticity, agency and subjectivity at the heart of which is the privileging of the point of view of the disabled narrator. The target groups of this manuscript are researcher, teachers, social workers and the writers.

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By (author) :

Shrijana Pathak

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General Humanities

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