Low Cost Oyster Mushroom Production

Low Cost Oyster Mushroom Production

Substrate preparation, Cultivation and Proximate Analysis

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2011-07-09 )

€ 59,00

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Bangladesh the 7th populous country continuously looses agricultural lands. So intensive use of land for increasing crop production is a better option but it is very difficult due to natural hazards and other barriers. In this aspect mushroom cultivation may be a better opportunity increasing crop production per unit area by vertical use of land and also meeting the protein demand. So, investigation on low cost mushroom production with high yield and quality using available agro wastes is an urgent demand. Therefore, this book will discuss with oyster mushroom production in low cost, keeping the nutritional value same. A low cost approach, supplementation of sawdust with different supplement, found to be significant in increasing yield, biological efficiency (BE) and benefit cost ratio (BCR). NPK mixed fertilizer (N=0.6%, P=0.3%, K=0.3%) supplemented at 11.5% with sawdust is found promising lowering the production cost, increasing yield and nutritional content of fruiting body. Cow dung (11.5%) and wheat flour (5.5%) as supplement with substrate may be the fair choice. This book will help Farmers, Researchers, Extension workers or any other person interested in this area.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

M.H.M. Borhannuddin Bhuyan

Number of pages:


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Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishery, nutrition

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