Integrated Geophysical & Remote sensing studies: Structural Evaluation

Integrated Geophysical & Remote sensing studies: Structural Evaluation

Structural Investigations in parts of Eastern Dharwar Craton, India, Identification of potential kimberlite locations

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2011-07-13 )

€ 68,00

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Geological interest and economic wealth of the Archaean to Proterozoic Dharwar craton in the Precambrian Indian peninsular shield have motivated several geological and geophysical studies. However, many of the earlier geophysical investigations were focused on eliciting the broad, deep-seated regional signatures in parts of the craton. Yet, there are very few reports of detailed crustal configuration of the region. Further, there are very few instances of semi-detailed geophysical investigations in the craton. Keeping this in mind, an area in eastern Dharwar craton was identified for 2D semi-detailed geophysical and remote sensing image analysis. Since, the area has its contiguity with Maddur-Narayanpet kimberlite field; it forms the south and southeast extension. Therefore, motivated by this proximity, using a posteriori approach, published report of occurrences of kimberlites in Maddur-Narayanpet kimberlite field was reanalyzed to develop a sub-surface topographic criterion to identify zones with potential for occurrence of kimberlites. This criterion was then used to locate such zones in the study area. This book is very useful for practicing geophysicists in kimberlite serach.

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By (author) :

Boylla Veeraiah

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