Veritatem Fidei

Veritatem Fidei

The truth about trust within the franchising relationship

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2011-07-15 )

€ 49,00

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La confiance. Vertrou. Güven. ثقة. Tumaini. Confianza. Доверие. Zaufanie. Fiducia. の信頼. אמון. Vertrauen. Εμπιστοσύνη. Trust. One word, fourteen different languages – trust. This work forms an introductory analysis of the complex characteristic that all humans are familiar with, that all languages have a word for, which all people desire; trust. During my qualitative field research in Australia and New Zealand I extensively interviewed twenty franchisees from four different food retail franchise systems. I explored areas of their franchisee/franchisor relationship focusing on the central critical aspect of trust. It doesn’t take a genius to believe that without trust in a relationship, not only is it more likely to fail, but it will never be as effective as it could be with confianza (Italian) present. I propose that trust is crucial; trust is a fundamental relational characteristic that needs to be placed at the foundation of the franchisee/franchisor relationship. If the trust is broken, if the trust is lost…the relationship will inevitably fail.

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By (author) :

Antonio Grace

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Business management

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