Comparative Evaluation Of Mechanical Properties Of Resin Luting Cement

Comparative Evaluation Of Mechanical Properties Of Resin Luting Cement

With Tooth Coloured Nanoparticles: In-vitro Study

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2024-08-14 )

€ 60,90

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The clinical success of bonded restorations depends primarily on a good bond to tooth/dentin and an optimal marginal fit after cementation. The resin luting cements are the latest type of luting agents for the cementation of indirect aesthetic restorations such as all-ceramic and porcelain veneers. One of the leading causes of dental restoration failures is volumetric shrinkage of resin-based dental products as a result of polymerization. The composite mass has a significant impact on polymerization shrinkage. Luting with resin cements can result in gaps at the margins of adhesive restorations. Microleakage caused by volumetric shrinkage can also be caused by these gap formations. Marginal staining, post-operative sensitivity, and chronic caries may all be caused by uncontrolled shrinkage. The amount of filler in resin-related materials is thought to have a significant impact on their shrinkage-strain kinetics. To ensure the durability and success of indirect restorations, the composition of the resin cements should also be assessed. Nanoparticles have demonstrated their potential to enhance the mechanical properties of polymeric materials in numerous studies.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Eldho Jijy Varghese
K Vijay Venkatesh
T Vinay Kumar Reddy

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