Impact of Community Based Tourism (CBT)-Dooars Region of North Bengal

Impact of Community Based Tourism (CBT)-Dooars Region of North Bengal

Impact of Community-Based Tourism, (CBT)-An analysis of Dooars region of North Bengal

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2024-02-26 )

€ 60,90

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Community-based tourism (CBT) refers to, a way of tourism that is managed and hosted by local communities, where they offer tourist to experience their lifestyle, food, & customs. CBT in Dooars is a nature-based tourism that emphasizes the balance between human and natural equality, including economic growth through conservation, sustainability, and biodiversity.CBT of Dooars includes social development, poverty alleviation, cultural heritage, and conservation. Dooars means the door or gateway. Objectives:• To explore the community's involvement in CBT development of the study area.• To analyze and find out the scope of community development in North Bengal, Dooars through CBT Development.• To determine the value and impact of community-based tourism on the potential and sustainable development of the study area. Data Sources:• Primary data: Primary data is collected through two types of questionnaires,a) Host Community. b) Tourists.• Secondary data: National and international tourism literature, Research Publications, facts and statistics, of Tourism & Hospitality Associations such as UNWTO, IATA, IATO, TAAI.

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By (author) :

Apurba Chakraborty
Santosh Kumar Upadhyay

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