Biblical Scriptures as Foundation for Understanding

Biblical Scriptures as Foundation for Understanding

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2025-01-20 )

€ 60,90

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Biblical scriptures offer opportunity to focus on a range of perspectives within our social order. These reports offer opportunity to focus on points in time that reflect the realities that exist during different periods. Many of the relevant variables are part of a moving constellation of inputs that serve to construct the frames of reference at play for individuals and organizations. The reader is enabled to apply his/her own foundational understandings as context for interpretation. As such, there are differing interpretations that can be arrived at and such interpretations offer opportunity to add to the foundations we live and learn by. This book offers a collection of scriptural references that illustrate the relevance of theological perspectives in unique environments. Some of these applications are fairly detailed while others are more abstract. Taken together they exemplify how such perspectives have relevance for the environments involved and in augmenting the body of knowledge we have about the ramifications associated with such scriptural orientations. This kind of recognition can be an initial step toward benefitting from such scriptural interpretations.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Jim Schnell

Number of pages:


Published on:



Religion / Theology

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