Data Warehousing with Service-oriented Architecture

Data Warehousing with Service-oriented Architecture

Designing and Implementing Prototype Models For an Integration of Near-Real-Time Data Warehousing Architecture with Service-oriented Architecture

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-06-20 )

€ 79,00

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In this book, I introduce a new architectural layer that integrates SOA applications with a near-real-time data warehouse. Through this new “SOA Integration Layer” a new Information Technology (IT) solution is created that realizes even greater benefits to the business as a result of combining these individual information technologies. This new IT solution will connect the SOA integration layer to near-real-time data warehouse and consider the near-real-time data warehouse as a data stage source for other business and system environments. This new IT solution is unique because it focuses on relating SOA application environments to near-real-time data warehouse to support both business operations and business strategic decision making. This study will propose a new prototype model in order to build a SOA integration layer between the user and the data management layer and to connect this SOA integration layer to the data management layer which includes a near-real-time data warehouse. The expected outcomes from this book will be combining near-real-time data warehousing with SOA architecture to deliver integrated tactical and strategic data.

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By (author) :

Ronnie Abrahiem

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