The Business Case Study: Development Use and Analysis

The Business Case Study: Development Use and Analysis

An exploration of the business case study: from traditional paper base to online interactive, multimedia development

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 04.07.2009 )

€ 79,00

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The essential feature of the business case study is that it introduces a slice of realism into the learning experience. In the last fifty years business case study development, delivery and usage has changed very little. However, change has begun to occur and its pace is accelerating. This emerging process is tracked from its paper base to the interactive, online business case study. The efficacy of the case method is examined where the belief is that the most effective learning is grounded in experience – learning by doing. The achievement of deep learning through the case method is addressed and its impact on the development, teaching and delivery of case study methodology; research; and the efficacy of interactive case pedagogy within the emerging interactive learning process is explored. Requirements of a successful business case study is tracked and practical examples of case study development is provided. Also, an exploration of the sub-contextual problems inherent in business case study development, use and applicability is undertaken and juxtaposed against the background of current pedagogy and institutional strictures.

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James Gallagher

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