Information Systems in Buyer-supplier Collaboration

Information Systems in Buyer-supplier Collaboration

Insights into How and Why Companies Use Information Systems to Collaborate with their Supply Chain Partners

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-08-20 )

€ 79,00

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During the last decades the importance of information systems and electronic commerce in buyer- supplier relationships has been widely discussed. However, in practice relatively little is understood about how and why companies adopt and use information systems to support collaboration and the related information exchange with their supply chain partners. This book consists of five individual essays that concentrate on different aspects of this phenomenon. First two essays focus on studying how companies focus in the development and use of their information systems for supporting collaboration with their suppliers and customers. Following three essays then focus on investigating how and why information systems are used to facilitate information exchange between suppliers and buyers. This book is of interest particularly to those interested in the development and use of information systems in the supply chain context. The featured essays offer interesting insights into the different roles that information systems can play between suppliers and customers.

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By (author) :

Sami Sarpola

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