In this sign conquer

In this sign conquer

Taking Christian faith and ministry into a war zone

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-09-18 )

€ 59,00

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Christianity is distinguished by its emphasis on grace, the undeserved love of God. War, by contrast, is the most ungracious of all human activities. How does a Christian minister or Chaplain take grace into such a world; what is their task, their calling in the midst of carnage. This book explores the lies that feed the furnaces of war. It acknowledges that the forces of war want men and woman of God to include God in their propoganda, to tell the troops that God is on their side. This is to deny the faith of the one who told us to love our enemy. Being a Chaplain in the midst of the lies and chaos of war is difficult, but the calling to take a light into the darkness remains. This book explores if and how that task might be done.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Hugh Begbie

Number of pages:


Published on:



Religion / Theology

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