Clifford Odets's "Awake and Sing!"

Clifford Odets's "Awake and Sing!"

Text and Context

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-09-18 )

€ 68,00

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"Clifford Odets's 'Awake and Sing!'" is a critical edition of this famous American play from 1935. In American history, 1935 was at once the bleakest of the Depression years and a turning point when New Deal emergency measures began to inch a sick economy toward recovery. In the annals of American drama, 1935 was the Year of Odets: a relatively unknown young actor who, in rapid succession, had four of his plays produced on Broadway. The Group Theater, an energetic collective in which Odets (1906-1963) had been a founding member, opened "Awake and Sing!" On February 19; a bill of long one-acts, "Waiting for Lefty" and "Till the Day I Die", on March 26; and "Paradise Lost" on December 9. By the end of 1935, Odets was hailed as a “revolutionary oracle,” the “darling of the proletariat,” and the “prophet of the Left.” "Clifford Odets's 'Awake and Sing!'" includes an introduction to this playwright's dramatic oeuvre; a chronology of Odets's life and work; an historical and cultural timeline of the 1930s; the full text of "Awake and Sing!" preceded by a preface and followed by notes; production reviews as well as essays on the play and interviews with Odets; and a selected bibliography.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Robert Cardullo

Number of pages:


Published on:



Theatre, ballet

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