Stories of being old

Stories of being old

Learning about old age through fiction and poetry

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-09-27 )

€ 59,00

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This book explores themes arising from the analysis of representations of old age in New Zealand poetry and short fiction. It considers the usefulness of these themes to the teaching of undergraduate nursing students, particularly in relation to attitudes towards older people. An overview of current thinking in social gerontology, literary and health and arts education discourse is presented. Five major themes of old age are identified and discussed through story and poetry. The final section of the book considers the use of literature as a teaching method. The design and implementation of an Optional Paper for undergraduate nurses is presented. Students found the paper valuable, innovative and stimulating. It enabled them to look at their nursing practice in a more creative, original and insightful way, particularly in relation to the ‘patient perspective''. Educators in all health disciplines who strive to encourage sensitivity, humanism and creativity in their students'' learning will recognise that by raising student awareness of ‘other'' through story, an inevitable self- refection and practice examination is elicited.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Lorraine Ritchie

Number of pages:


Published on:



General Social sciences

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