The  Participation of the laity in  evangelization

The Participation of the laity in evangelization

A case study of Holy Spirit Parish in Eldoret Diocese, Kenya

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-09-28 )

€ 49,00

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Laity and Evangelization: This book is addressed to the priests, catechists and laity who devote themselves to the work of spreading the Good News and to the lay faithfuls who are evangelizers by the fact of their baptism. The author draws from many years'' varied experiences, having worked and conducted seminars /workshops, prayer days and talks to different groups of Chrisitans, catechists, youth and catechumens. She has come also to discover that there is a hidden potential among the faithfuls, if only they are trained, many parishes would flourish. Th author has worked as tutor in catechist college formation centre, worked in secondary school , working in the university as lecturer and still giving leadership courses in different parishes / schools. This book gives numerous suggestions that are aimed at improving evangelization in different walks of life.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Theresia Makau

Number of pages:


Published on:



Religion / Theology

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