Female Genital Cutting In The Company Of Men: A Guide To Current Debate

Female Genital Cutting In The Company Of Men: A Guide To Current Debate

De-Theorizing Hegemonic Ideology of African Men Towards The Practice of FGC

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-05-18 )

€ 79,00

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Female Genital Cutting in the Company of Men is thought provoking. The author brings a new and important perspective to the current debate on FGC by highlighting the impact of this practice on women, men and the community at large. Ukpai challenges the hegemonic assumption that it is solely men who perpetuate the practice of FGC and brings a new dimension to our understanding of power relations between women as well as between men and women. Research carried out with men in Nigeria lends original insights into perceptions of how FGC is perpetuated, by whom and for whom. Ukpai’s work therefore offers important contributions to feminist and masculinity literature and gender relations by casting new light on FGC and why it is perpetuated. The book sheds new light on how working more closely with men in the community is essential to raising awareness about the impacts of FGC and effecting change. Until Ukpai’s warnings are taking seriously, bringing change will remain politics as usual. The material presented in this book is a must read for those interested in human rights,gender equality and will appeal to a wide audience consisting of undergraduate...

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Research on Woman and gender