Environmental Education and its relationship to Science Education

Environmental Education and its relationship to Science Education

Educating for sustainable living in a South African context

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-05-18 )

€ 49,00

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The increasing emphasis on the degradation of earth and its life sustaining resources,has prompted the author to research ways in which learners,could be actively and consciously educated to promote sustainable living.As Environmental Education does not exist as an independent subject within the school curriculum,the author examined the possibility of harnessing the synergy between Science Education and Environmental Education,so as to develop sustainable programmes and curriculum initiatives,to ensure the future sustainability of life on earth.The talismanic role that science can play in developing learners into problem solvers,innovators,entrepreneurs and community leader,who possess the knowledge,skills,attitudes and values,necessary to successfully engage the ubiquitous challenges to sustainable environmental management and life-style choices,was investigated. Thus, this book is directed to all educators, education authorities,environmentalists and community organizations,interested in utilizing science as a conduit for cogently creating an enabling environment that prepares learners to meet the otherwise arcane challenges of sustainable living.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Salesh Panday

Number of pages:


Published on:



Secondary school I and II