English Language Instructor

English Language Instructor

A Needs Assessment Study On English Language Needs Of The Tour Guidance Students Of Faculty Of Applied Sciences At Baskent University: A Case Study

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-07-22 )

€ 68,00

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The aim of this study was to reveal what different parties in the teaching and learning process; namely, English instructors, curriculum coordinators and students perceive the English language needs of Tour Guidance students to be. The first group consisted of 45 freshman and sophomore students in Tour Guidance Department. The second group consisted of 3 English instructors teaching English for Tour Guidance and the third group consisted of the curriculum coordinators who were the curriculum coordinators of ESP Program for Tour Guidance for freshman and sophomore classes. Both of them were teaching English for Tour Guidance as well. This was a descriptive study in which data related to the perceptions of groups involved were collected through questionnaires. Questionnaires consisting of parallel questions were administered to the students, English instructors and curriculum coordinators. In addition to the parallel questions answered by the three groups of participants, there were some questions in the student needs assessment questionnaire which were answered only by them.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Nese Ekici

Number of pages:


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