Quantal Evolution - Extraterrestrial Asuric Nagas and Geek Neo-Nagas

Quantal Evolution - Extraterrestrial Asuric Nagas and Geek Neo-Nagas

Quantum Gravity - Black Hole-White Hole Transitions, Consciousness, Universe & Life - Magnetotactic Actinidic Archaeome

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2025-01-12 )

€ 119,90

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Quantal evolution is dependent upon the magnetotactic actinidic archaeobiome structured multicellular eukaryotic organism. This leads to evolution of extraterrestrial neanderthalic asuric Nagas and modern geek neo-asuric Nagas. The quantum gravity and the primordial black hole-white hole transition zones mediate the universal protoconsciousness field and human consciousness. The changes in the earth’s geomagnetic field occur in cycles in relation to stellar cycles of birth, evolution and death of the stellar systems. This leads to earth’s geomagnetic field changes and eventual polar shift related global warming. This leads to expansion of the actinidic magnetic archaeal networks in the environment as well as in life systems like plants, animals and humans leading to quantal evolution. Various yugas or evolutionary aeons in Hindu Cosmology are related to changes in interacting earth’s geomagnetic field with stellar and interstellar electromagnetic field changes related to stellar cycles. This can produce cataclysmic climate events and human behavioural changes leading to extinction and start of a fresh yuga. This can go around in cycles called as the cycles of Brahma.

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By (author) :

Ravikumar Kurup
Parameswara Achutha Kurup

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General Natural Sciences

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